The webinars and video workshops I offer are not therapeutic events, but are intended to provide in-depth self-awareness and information.
If you are interested, please click with the mouse pointer on the corresponding topic, you will then be automatically directed to the corresponding information and order page. Please make the appropriate selection there. After successful registration and receipt of payment of the seminar fee, you will receive your access or download link by e-mail.
No prerequisites for participation.
No prerequisites for participation.
No prerequisites for participation.
No prerequisites for participation.
No prerequisites for participation.
Prerequisite: Team Seis ion detox footbath ready
No prerequisites for participation.
No prerequisites for participation.
Prerequisites for participation: Seminar/ Webinar PGSG Moving Form.
Prerequisites for participation: Seminar/ Webinar PGSG non-Moving Form.
Prerequisites for participation: physical health.
Prerequisite: Successful participation in the seminar/ webinar Energetic protection and cleansing, life energy.
Prerequisite: Participation in the seminar Energetic protection
No prerequisites for participation.
Prerequisite: Team Seis NLS device ready.
Prerequisite: Participation in the seminar Energetic protection
Participation requirements: Manual skills and required equipment/material ready.
Prerequisite: Successful participation in the seminar/ webinar Energetic protection and cleansing, life energy.
Prerequisite: Successful participation in the seminar/ webinar Energetic protection and cleansing, life energy, PGSG, Radiesthesia.