Current events
Courses, seminars and workshops worldwide:
Bad Bayersoien: 08.-10.03.2024. Workshops Life Energy, Pan Gu Shen Gong Moving Form. Dowsing/ interference suppression.
Bad Bayersoien: 11-13.10.2024. Workshops regression, eye training, Pan Gu Shen Gong Moving Form. Dowsing/ interference suppression.
Southern Germany: February 2024 Workshops Energetic Protection and Purification, PanGu ShenGong Moving Form. Dowsing/ interference suppression.
Switzerland: 16-18.02.2024. Workshops Energetic Protection and Cleansing, PanGu ShenGong Moving Form.
Switzerland: 30.08.-01.09.2024. Life energy workshops, PanGu ShenGong Moving Form.
Bali: 21.07.-02.08.2024. Cultural-spiritual journey with Thomas.
Video workshops/ webinars:
permanent, see point "Webinars, video workshops"
Courses, seminars, workshops, webinars, video workshops
Number of participants
The number of participants per course/seminar/workshop is set at a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 7 persons (unless otherwise stated!), otherwise the course/seminar will not take place (deposit will then be refunded in full) or the seminar/course will only take place if the registered participants pay the difference to the minimum number of participants on a pro rata basis. Confirmation of registration will be sent out in the order in which registrations are received. Additional registrations cannot be considered for the corresponding course/seminar/workshop, but can be reserved for a possible alternative date.
Registration deadline
for the individual courses/seminars/workshops is 14 days before the start of the event (8 weeks for vacation seminars)! The registration becomes legally binding as soon as the course/seminar fee has been paid by the participant to the organizer (will be refunded if the course/seminar/workshop does not take place). The payment will be retained as a contribution towards expenses in the event of absence/non-attendance; alternatively, substitute participants can be provided by written registration instead. Course/seminar fees already paid will not be refunded if the participant fails to attend, cancels or is excluded from the course/seminar!
If a seminar/course/workshop is canceled due to the inability of the instructor(s) to attend or for any other reason for which the organizer is responsible, the seminar/course fees paid up to that point will be refunded; no further claims can be made. It may also be possible to take part in an alternative date.
If there are no face-to-face courses, seminars or workshops due to the coronavirus, I also offer all interested parties individual topics as webinars or video workshops.
This gives you the advantage of acquiring this knowledge in the form of my video workshops at any time and then acquiring it independently of time and place and at your own pace...
The courses, seminars, workshops/video-workshops and webinars I offer are not therapeutic events, but serve to deepen self-awareness and information.
If you are interested, please simply click on the relevant topic with the mouse pointer and you will automatically be taken to the corresponding information and order page. Please make the appropriate selection there. After successful registration and receipt of payment of the course/seminar/workshop/video workshop/webinar fee, you will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail with exact details of the event or an access link for the webinar or where you can download the corresponding video workshop.