- Everything flows, vibrates and is energy!!- Clean environment- Self-sufficient and ecological living and housing- Human, animal and spatial energetics
- Mental-Training- Coaching / mediumistic-spiritual counseling
- Overview of offers, GTCs- Courses, seminars, workshops- Webinars, video workshops
Alles dreht sich um Energie! by Thomas Seis Stockstrasse 8 CH-9444 DiepoldsauSwitzerland
Email: info (at) avatar-salarium.ch Natel: +41 (0) 77 964 03 34
* Ultimate Cell Switzerland
* Ultimate Cell Austria* Ultimate Cell Liechtenstein* Team Seis Online-Shop * Avatar-Salarium Shop * PanGuShenGong, Switzerland* PanGuShenGong, Liechtenstein * PanGuShenGong, Germany* PanGuShenGong, Austria* Alles dreht sich um Energie! by Thomas Seis, EU